ki mi dà 1 mano in una traduzione di inglese??
2008-01-22 13:40:27 UTC testo da tradurre è qsto:

Il Porto: situato sul lago dell’Ontario, è sicuramente uno dei luoghi più interessanti della città; al suo centro si trovano la SkyDome, il primo stadio al mondo con il tetto mobile, in cui si svolgono alcune delle più importanti partite di baseball e football, oltre a numerosi concerti e spettacoli, soprattutto nella stagione estiva. Al suo fianco la CN Tower, alta oltre 500 m, è il simbolo della città e una delle maggiori attrazioni del Canada, grazie allo splendido panorama sulla zona circostante. Al suo interno, vi è anche un frequentato ristorante. Nella zona del Porto, si trovano anche: il Convention Center, il Molson Place e la Cardiner Expressway, che conduce verso la cascata del Niagara.
Nove risposte:
2008-01-22 13:45:10 UTC
The Port: Located on Lake of Ontario, is certainly one of the most interesting of the city at its center is home to the SkyDome, the first stage in the world with mobile roof, which held some of the most important matches in baseball football, as well as numerous concerts and performances, especially in the summer. At his side the CN Tower, more than 500 m high, is the symbol of the city and one of the biggest attractions in Canada, thanks to the splendid view of the surrounding area. Inside, there is also a popular restaurant. In the area of the port, there are also: the Convention Center, Molson Place and Cardiner Expressway, which leads to the waterfall of Niagara.
2008-01-24 17:40:04 UTC
altra piccola correzione..

si dice "lake ontario" e non "lake of ontario"..
2008-01-24 02:59:27 UTC
Il nostro SkyDome ha cambiato nome da tre anni ormai.

Il nostro vecchio SkyDome ha un nuovo nome si chiama Rogers Centre. Grazie al riccone Signor Ted Rogers, che lo ha acquistato. Per quanto riguarda le traduzioni che ho letto sono tutte belle e molto simili ad esse.

Quindi scegliene tu una che ti piace di piu`. Comunque una piccola correzione il porto in inglese da noi e`Harbour e cosi che si traduce e non port. L'autostrada non e` Cardiner ma Gardiner ed il Molson non e`un Place ma un Theatre un teatro. Ciao saluti da Toronto.
Carmela D
2008-01-22 21:52:41 UTC
The Port: situated on the lago of Ontario, it is sure one of the more interesting places of the city; to its center they find the SkyDome, the first a stage the world with the mobile roof, in which some of the more separated important are carried out than baseball and football, beyond to numerous concerts and shows, above all in the summery season. To its flank the CN Tower, high beyond 500 m, is the symbol of the city and one of the greater attractions of Canada, thanks to the splendid panorama on the surrounding zone. To its inside, there is also an attended restaurant. In the zone of the Port, they are found also: the Convention Center, the Molson Place and the Cardiner Expressway, that it leads towards the cascade of the Niagara
2008-01-22 21:50:19 UTC
The harbour: situated on the lake of Ontario, surely one of the most interesting places of the city; in its center there are the SkyDome,The first stage at the world with mobile roof, which held some of the most important matches of baseball and football, as well as numerous concerts and performances, especially in the summer.At his side the CN Tower, more than 500 m high, is the symbol of the city and one of the biggest attractions in Canada, thanks to the splendid view of the surrounding area.Inside, there is also a popular restaurant. In the area of the port, there are also: the Convention Center, Molson Place and Cardiner Expressway, which leads to the waterfall of Niagara...spero di averti aiutata...ciao
2008-01-22 21:47:59 UTC
"The Port: Situated on the lake of Ontario,it is certainly one of the most interesting of the city; at the Centre is located the SkyDome, the first stage in the world with the roof mobile, and in surrounding some of the most important games of Baseball and football, and numerous concerts and shows, especially in summer. On its side CN tower, high over 500 m, is the symbol of the city and one of the major attractions of Canada, thanks to the splendid panorama of the surrounding area. Inside, there is also a popular restaurant. In the area of the Porto, are also found: the Convention Center, the Molson Place and the Cardiner Expressway, which leads to the waterfall of Niagara." nn so se va benissimo!! xo prova a copiarla
2008-01-22 21:45:24 UTC
Porto: Located on Lake of Ontario, is certainly one of the most

In the city, at its center is home to the SkyDome, the first

To the world stage with the mobile roof, which held some of the most

Lots of important baseball and football, as well as numerous concerts and

Shows, especially in the summer. At his side the CN Tower,

More than 500 m high, is the symbol of the city and one of the greatest

Attractions in Canada, thanks to the splendid view of the area

Around. Inside, there is also a popular restaurant. In

Port area, there are also: the Convention Center, Place and Molson

Cardiner the Expressway, which leads to the waterfall of Niagara
2008-01-22 22:20:03 UTC
Perchè ne vuoi la traduzione?

Non è un compito scolastico, vero?
2008-01-22 21:43:31 UTC
The Port: situated on the lago of Ontario, it is sure one of the more interesting places of the city; to its center they find the SkyDome, the first a stage the world with the mobile roof, in which some of the more separated important are carried out than baseball and football, beyond to numerous concerts and shows, above all in the summery season. To its flank the CN Tower, high beyond 500 m, is the symbol of the city and one of the greater attractions of Canada, thanks to the splendid panorama on the surrounding zone. To its inside, there is also an attended restaurant. In the zone of the Port, they are found also: the Convention Center, the Molson Place and the Cardiner Expressway, that it leads towards the cascade of the Niagara.

ps dacci una ricontrollata l'ho fatta su un traduttore

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.